Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Digital Marketing Strategy – Some Details

Basically, digital marketing is marketing of products (or services) with the use of the digital technologies. Mainly, this consists of the Internet, mobile phones, display advertising and some other media. Digital marketing strategy is the overall tactic that businesses now use with all the forces of available digital media today to attract customers and increase revenues.

This is over and above the use of the traditional marketing strategies available and had been in use in businesses ever since. The shift had been set triggered by the proliferation of digital platforms that are increasingly used and incorporated into the marketing plans of many online businesses.

Digital devices

In addition to digital marketing strategy advantage, people are now adept at using these digital devices (the Internet, smart phones, tablets and generally computers in any platform) more than visiting actual commercial shops. 

The digital shift had changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing including the many discovered strategies in utilizing it. The latest of these is the current use of animated video in directly marketing one’s products and business.

3-Part strategy

The main strategy is simply to get more traffic, get more leads, and get the business to grow.
Most of the strategies used are based mainly on the business goals of the company. Generally, though, the plan is set in place on three critical action parts.

The first one is attracting more prospects. This one is the most doable considering the many ways on how to do this. The employable actions would include content marketing (blogging), email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click marketing (PPC), and social media.

Lead conversion

Converting more leads is premised on the increase of traffic to your website. With the load of traffic, the next action is to be able to convert the traffic from anonymous website visitors into identifiable leads.

Some methods used on doing this is offering downloadable content (like eBooks), lead nurturing, and lastly by way of A/B testing and compelling videos.

All the leads would amount to nothing if they don’t close. These days, there’s an array of selling tools available to your site’s sales team to help them close more of the leads presented. These leads come from digital channels like the search engines, email marketing, and social media.


Tackling digital marketing through a digital strategy is actually made up of many different tactics. Overall, the combination, interplay and related push in all these make up the bulk of the strategy in digital marketing.

These tactics are made up of familiar terms as well as other marketing plans that are familiar to digital marketers and practitioners. Theses would include the familiar SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing (blogging and article writing), downloadable content offers (eBooks, webinars, and White papers), Email marketing, social media marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. 

Additional methods

The not-so-familiar group of tactics that are part of the overall marketing strategy include video production, website design and A/B testing, landing page strategy, call-to-action strategy, link building, infographics design, marketing automation, lead nurture strategy and good old public relations (PR).

As it is, the digital marketing strategy had been evolving.

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